Selasa, 10 Agustus 2021

ByteDex - Secure Transactions Trading Cryptocurrency Assets

The universe of crypto assets, where Bitcoin is the lead, is making bit by bit, and with this improvement of the crypto natural framework, blockchain applications and establishments are similarly extending at a confusing pace. Exchanging crypto assets expect a serious part in the crypto world at the explanation for buying and selling crypto assets, changing hands or changing over them into any product or organizations

In the making advancement and globalizing world, it is unfathomable to expect beyond what many would consider possible on crypto assets today. it is possible to deal with these issues according to the advancement that cultivates every day. As Bytedex, we need to make another start for our nation considering the experiences gained to date by using the making blockchain progressions in the most raised. We acknowledge that the organizations we will start locally will cultivate us to join the world field and finally make ByteDex one of the world’s driving crypto asset exchanges. As Bytedex, we need to make another start for our nation considering the experiences procured so far by using the making blockchain advancements in the most raised construction.


Bytedex is a blockchain based Exchange that customers interface with non-custodial crypto wallets. As a cross variety exchange it takes a couple of features from brought together exchanges to give every one of the more better organizations for its customers. So Bytedex is a decentralized exchange that has a couple of features of joined exchanges that makes it a Hibrid Exchange. So we can call Bytedex as a HEX Exchange. ByteDex don’t store your resources. Customers interface with exchange with non-custodial wallet and trade a protected environment.

Why Choose us

In Bytedex Exchange we are using an other designing that gives limit us to work Ethereum, Binance Smartchain and Tron Networks at the same time. ByteDex has a Dex wallet named ByteW. ByteW is a multisign wallet like trust wallet that customers can connect with our exchange and work on there 3 blockchain networks at the same time through state of the art sharp understanding assignments. Also in Bytedex Exchange, “ByteDex Brokers” is another component that capable shippers may need it especially where they give capable trade organizations to their customers using customer resources in a chose cutoff that picked by save owners. Moreover we offer opportunity to BYTEDEX Token holders to get a compensation over denoting their tokens on ByteDex exchange up to %50 APY as shown by their checking total and time. ByteDex has an inventive theory mind, around the completion of this current year, all features will be done as written in white paper. Until additional notification our exchange will be opened at 31st of July.


BYTEDEX Token is the authority trading unit of the Bytedex Exchange. BYTEDEX Token has been made in investment with Tron Network, in hard and fast 1 billion units in TRC-10 plan only for Presale and ICO stage. At opening of exchange TRC-10 BYTEDEX Tokens will be exchanged with TRC-20, ERC-20 And Bep-20 BYTEDEX Tokens.


Register at and show up at your ICO customer board. Select one of portion techniques recorded. Stick to headings. Fiat portions available through wire move. If you purchased with crypto assets you will get tokens quickly when your trade attested by portion processors. If you purchased with wire move your trade will be interminable stockpile of move of the resources. Note that tokens purchased by wire move will be scattered 00.00 every 12 PM after insistence.

Token holder benefits
  • Hodling BYTEDEX Token you will get fantastic rewards and cutoff points at ByteDex Exchange.
  • Staking BYTEDEX Token offers ability to stakers getting a piece of exchange net advantage as compensation BYTEDEX Tokens. 
Total up to %50 of net addition of exchange will be coursed to Stakers as shown by stamping entirety and period.BYTEDEX Tokens will be recorded at ByteDex exchange at 31st of July 2021 from the beginning sight. Between September 2021 and January 2022 BYTEDEX will be recorded no under 3 distinct exchanges and somewhere near 5 unique exchanges a solitary year. Posting presentations will be appropriated at our website and electronic media accounts.

Token Info:



● AVAILABLE SALE: 500,000,000

● TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000



The Byte Exchange will be a neighborhood exchange first time in the world. Each individual gathering with least 10.000 people has right to pick own neighborhood of that country. Neighborhood will happen at the main gathering of the Byte Exchange for seemingly forever and will address their neighborhood. Byte Exchange will share %20 of complete pay from the pioneer’s country as monetary arrangement of neighborhood in that country as well. Political race Terms and least necessities of being a competitor for the neighborhood will be proclaimed.

ByteDex Team

İsmail Köseoğlu

Founder & CEO

Uğur Özkan


Mehmet Köseoğlu

Founder & CFO

For more information please visit the link below :

● Website:

● Facebook:

● Twitter:

● Telegram:

● Medium:

● Linkedin:

● Youtube:

● Reddit:

● Whitepaper:


Bitcointalk Username: shepia77

Telegram Username: @shepiaginaya

Bitcointalk url:;u=3325169

TRC20 Wallet Address : TK6i6bUpZurL9VWcepkUxB3Sy5CLxcpz5H

ByteDex - Decentralized Crypto Exchange

Byte Decentralized Exchange

ByteDex Dual is a Decentralized Crypto Asset Exchange With Centralized Management that Trades on a Blockchain Structure.

ByteDex Blockchain

ByteDex is a decentralized exchange with a central management based mainly on a double tier blockchain structure.ByteDex develops its own blockchain system in partnership with abroad. ByteDex can reach very high transaction capacity and perform transactions within 1 to 3 seconds thanks to its double tier blockchain structure.

ByteDex works on a blockchain structure that functions with its own consensus algorithm built on 12 super nodes existing in every continent of the world.

With the opening of the ByteDex exchange, BYTEDEX coin production, which we call exchange mining, will also be possible. Thus, the ByteDex ecosystem will be further strengthened with the small formed nodes. “nodes” are the participants that run private blockchain software in the blockchain network and approve transactions on the blockchain.
ByteDex’s upper layer blockchain enables the ByteDex exchange and transactions within the ecosystem to be processed and quickly recorded.

ByteDex Exchange Features

1. ByteDex Liquidity Solution

ByteDex conduct the matching of users among themselves best with the mapping mechanism established on the double layer blockchain.It matches the market maker and the market buyer in seconds.However, with the Smart Route Order systems, it connects to the major exchanges of the crypto world via APIs and connects the liquid pool of these exchanges to the ByteDex pool.For this reason, ByteDex can offer all the convenience offered by central exchanges in liquidity on a Dex platform.Through CCXT API, instant data and pricing of dozens of exchanges are integrated into ByteDex exchange.For a crypto asset pair that is not sufficiently available in ByteDex via the Smart Order Route, it is obtained from the trading pairs of other exchanges and presented to the user in the most appropriate way. All these operations take place in the background in seconds.

2. ByteDex Dapps

ByteDex, as a blockchain-based exchange, includes all the technologies that the blockchain ecosystem is familiar with today.Smart contracts, which have come to the fore with Ethereum, are now widely available.Smart contracts are programs that work on blockchain programmed for a specific purpose.These smart contracts have led to the creation of decentralized applications that we call Decentralized Apps today.As such smart contracts can be generated on the ByteDex Blockchain, these structures can also work as games and applications running on the blockchain. At this point, you can create a game that works on the ByteDex blockchain as a real-life use, produce your own tokens to be used in this game on the ByteDex exchange, and ultimately list the crypto token for this game on the ByteDex exchange .

3. ByteDex Token Launcher

Different tokens can be generated on the ByteDex blockchain via the ByteDex Exchange. They can be used within the scope of users’ own projects. ByteDex is working on a list called BytedexAltTokens where such generated tokens can be listed separately on the main exchange screen.In this listing, each generated tokens will pair with BYTEDEX and will be opened for trading if they meet the appropriate conditions. The tokens that succeed in this list will gain the right to be published in the ByteDex main list.

4. ByteDex Coin

ByteDexCoin is the main transaction and payment unit of the ByteDex ecosystem. In this context, it has the same features as coins used by other exchanges in a similar way. BYTEDEX Coin will be produced by stock exchange mining on the ByteDex blockchain. All payments within the exchange will be made with BYTEDEX, and will be used for commissions, staking rewards and all other transactions. BYTEDEX will create a trading pair with all the major Crypto assets. It will also be listed on many different exchanges.At the time of writing this article, negotiations have been started in order to list our coin on other exchanges.BYTEDEX Token are TRC-10 featured tokens produced on the TRON Network Blockchain created at the beginning of the ByteDex project. These Tokens are produced solely for use in the ByteDex promotion process, and their total supply is 1 billion units. Some of the remaining tokens to be sold in the Pre-Sale and General Offering will be kept as reserve to prevent speculative activities in the exchange until the swap transaction is made on the exchange with BYTEDEX Coins, and the remaining part will be used in promotion and reward programs. All of the tokens that are not sold in pre-sale and general supply and remaining after the swap transaction will be burned. More detailed information is provided on the website.

5. OTC Platform

ByteDex ensures safe execution of transactions that can be translated as OTC (Over The Counter). In OTC, trading takes place not through the stock exchange, but upon the agreement of two people. For this reason, it generally allows the direct sale of large amounts of crypto assets to someone else. Prices are determined between people who trade independently of the stock market.In this context, ByteDex offers a kind of escrow service as well as recording the entire transaction on the blockchain.In OTC transactions, money is sent first and then a crypto asset exchange takes place.In this context, ByteDex checks whether the money has been deposited in the desired amount and records it.Crypto Asset owner sends the requested amount of crypto assets to the buyer. This process is recorded on the blockchain.When the transaction occurs, ByteDex transfers the deposited crypto asset fee to the seller.In this way, the transaction is carried out securely and at the same time, the validity of the transaction made with the transaction record on the blockchain is proven by both parties.

6. ByteDex Brokers

ByteDex Brokers enables people specializing in Crypto asset trading to provide broker services to people who do not have sufficient experience in the crypto asset market.In this way, users can better benefit from the crypto asset market with the experience and knowledge of good brokers.Users can choose between the brokers recorded on ByteDex by mutual negotiation method or traders who already provide broker services can start to serve their customers directly on ByteDex.

7. Byte Wallet (ByteW)

Byte Wallet is a type of DEX wallet inherited from the Stellar ecosystem’s decantralized wallet concept. ByteW does not contain crypto assets, but displays your information and crypto assets embedded in the ByteDex blockchain and allows you to perform transactions on the blockchain via ByteW in an integrated manner with the ByteDex exchange.It is not possible to hack or steal crypto assets because they do not contain any crypto assets in the wallet.

8. Payments and Fiat Money

ByteDex Exchange has 3 different payment points, and you will be able to transfer fiat money from all credit and debit cards to your wallets.In addition, in order to facilitate these transactions, we also apply for a payment point license as Byte Blockchain Technologies.With this license, Visa and Maestro-enabled cards will be distributed to ByteDex users and you will be able to withdraw your cash assets on the ByteDex Exchange and use them in Turkey. In case of changes to be made within the scope of taxation regulations, all payments will be made to the above-mentioned electronic money and payment institution as ByteDex exchange, and users will be given the option to make their own bank accounts directly through the payment institution, not through the exchange.
ByteDex Smart Security

ByteDex embeds all crypto assets and personal information into the ByteDex Blockchain as a design.In order for these crypto assets and information to be hacked, at least 51% of 12 super nodes serving under the dualchain concept and stock market mining nodes must be captured. This is not possible with today’s technological possibilities and is a very costly process for hackers.


ByteDex Crypto Asset Exchange offers the above services, among other stock exchange opportunities. In this context, it aims to maximize the quality of service. The transaction capacity is equivalent to the US NASDAQ stock exchange, and transactions occur within 1 to 3 seconds. Thanks to the possibilities of being blockchain-based, CCXT can instantly flow information from all other exchanges, as well as process the most traded 100+ crypto asset pairs thanks to the liquidity obtained with Smart Route Order and offers the opportunity to list as many additional crypto asset pairs as desired. It can support token structures (eg Erc-20, Trc-20 etc.) produced in different ecosystems within the scope of the Crosschain protocol in its own blockchain structure.

Pre-Sale and General Supply

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 BYTEDEX Tokens
  • Special Pre-Sale Price 1 BYTEDEX = 0.01 USDT - Total Supply: 100,000,000 BYTEDEX
  • Pre-Sale Price 1 BYTEDEX = 0.02 USDT - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 BYTEDEX
  • ICO Price 1 BYTEDEX= 0.03 - Total Supply: 200,000,000 BYTEDEX
After ICO
  • BYTEDEX Token -> BYTEDEX Coin Swap Trading (All Remaining BYTEDEX Tokens Will Be Burned After Swap.)
  • BYTEDEX Coin Exchange Listings
Reward Programs
  • AirDrop Program, Social Media Content Generation Competition, Networking Award, Influencer Award
  • BYTEDEX Tokens worth $ 500,000 to be distributed in total (Approximately 17 Million units)
  • 30% Reserve Token, 10% ByteDex Team, 5% Introduction, 5% Reward Programs
  • BYTEDEX Token: Tron Network TRC-20 wBYTEDEX (Wrapped Bytedex Trc-20 standard compliance)
Softcap Budget
  • 65% Product Development, 12% Advertising-Promotion, 8% Operating Expenses, 2% Consultancy
  • 5% Reward Program, 8% Management expenses (Detailed information
Token Info:



● AVAILABLE SALE: 500,000,000

● TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000



ByteDex Team

İsmail Köseoğlu

Founder & CEO

Uğur Özkan


Mehmet Köseoğlu

Founder & CFO

For more information please visit the link below :

● Website:

● Facebook:

● Twitter:

● Telegram:

● Medium:

● Linkedin:

● Youtube:

● Reddit:

● Whitepaper:


Bitcointalk Username: shepia77

Telegram Username: @shepiaginaya

Bitcointalk url:;u=3325169

TRC20 Wallet Address : TK6i6bUpZurL9VWcepkUxB3Sy5CLxcpz5H

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